Is Censorship and Cancel Culture Really a Problem?

Shannon M. Gross
9 min readFeb 8, 2021

The Horror Behind What’s Hidden

Ever since uncovering the censorship issue when researching the article topic for vaccines, I’m determined to find out why it’s happening. We should all take caution about information we hear or read, but how do we know what’s true?

While supporting a cause is anyone’s prerogative in this free country, it’s another story if that view is the only one accepted. If you disagree, they can kick you off social media, and those who oppose your viewpoint are sometimes brazen enough to ridicule you in public, and suggest “reprogramming” for you. A few of you know this is not an exaggeration. The level of censorship seems so excessive, so aggressive, there must be another underlying reason for the extreme effort to block certain information or report it with a different angle.

Let me be clear, I’m not talking about belief in causes that target or harm another group of people. Tolerating that behavior should never happen, nor continue.

Can’t we all get along and unify? Extending an olive branch of “reeducating” is not the way to do it. Cancelling someone because of their views, or censoring or removing them from social media isn’t the answer either. This just makes the cause to stop the behavior more urgent.

As a Christian, I feel compelled to keep our voice out in the open, because modeling Jesus is the only way we can truly have unity. Why? Look at how he acted. He came not to be served, but to serve others, he always showed kindness and spoke the truth in love. It is my goal to spread the saving hope that Christ offers to as many people as I can before I’m called home. We must learn to work together peaceably because a house divided cannot stand.

“If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” — Mark 3:25

If everyone applied this biblical truth, we’d be on our way to unity. Sadly, Christians know all too well not everyone accepts the mentality of Christ willingly. In fact, most are hateful and angry toward Him and His message — it’s unpopular in our culture today. Followers of His can expect the same treatment Jesus experienced.

“If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.” — John 15:18

I’ll never understand this, because Jesus came to offer salvation and eternal life by sacrificing Himself, teach us about the Kingdom of Heaven, and speak the truth in love. Who would refuse this gift? Rejection becomes clear because of the last point. The reason people get so angry with Christ is that they realize they are not living in the truth. They get mad because they either don’t want to acknowledge the life they live is sinful; they’re deceived and don’t notice they are living in the dark, or they have no desire to stop living in sin. This is upsetting to people. Who wants to be told they must change the way they live?

“Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear their deeds will be exposed.” — John 3:20

Since we are talking about truth, we need to unpack this as it relates to censorship in recent days. Why is certain information restricted or hidden? In our free country, I would expect we could send information freely. To be honest, I can’t believe there isn’t an outrage from more people about this phenomenon.

My research uncovered things buried so far, I’ve discovered well-meaning Christians and other American’s seeking fair treatment and truth have the wool pulled over their eyes. The hidden information is so sinister and twisted, we must expose it. The public needs to know the atrocities happening in the darkness, and those that are doing it need to pay the price.

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” — Ephesians 5:11

Expose, I will. Please know these things are so sick and evil, I warn you to proceed with caution because the content I encountered was beyond disturbing. The cover-up of this situation is the best kept secret from the American public we’ll ever encounter.

Most of the rich and famous live in such opulence and extravagance, the average person can’t wrap their head around it. These people have so much power and influence, they fulfill their every desire at their whim, and cost is of no consequence. They seem untouchable — if they break the law; they throw money at the problem and it goes away most of the time. Why am I starting with this? Because some of these elite folks have spent a lot of money and have gone to great lengths to keep you from knowing the truth about what they’re doing.

This article only scratches the surface of the evil, but let’s begin with the least offensive and work our way to the most detestable.

The media — this includes social media, big tech, movies, television programs and news outlets. We’ve already seen the blocking, banning and censoring occurring in this area today, but the filtering of information actually started long ago. A program launched by the OSS Agency (predecessor of CIA) called Project Mockingbird — where certain views on politics, war, and approach to life could indoctrinate the people through the news, media, magazines and newspapers. It began in 1952, and the appointed heads of CBS, NBC, CNN were acting or former CIA agents.

According to former CIA agent, Kevin Shipp, the program is likely still in effect today considering there are only 5 media mogul giants controlling the airwaves and an exorbitant amount of money continues to exchange hands to ensure portrayal of certain viewpoints. For example, based on the amount of money pharmaceutical companies send to networks to advertise their vaccines, the stations will represent the vaccines favorably, so this seems to be true.

Not only does the Government have heavy ties to the media, this means that Hollywood also plays a part — they’re all integrated by the same interests because the money flows in one direction. Going against the current means blacklisting, (look at Mel Gibson) defunding, (how many networks/studios would survive?) or criticized/cancelled publicly, (for instance, Josh Hawley lost his book deal and is ridiculed for his beliefs and views).

Let me caveat this section by acknowledging I know not everyone who works in the aforementioned fields are corrupt. There are still decent individuals that perform their job duties lawfully, and I’m not talking about those people. That said, these nefarious activities cross into all spheres — the media as mentioned, every side of politics, the CIA, FBI, private and public businesses, and even the Church.

While the above discloses the method of control, where does the money to fund it come from? Here’s where it goes sideways — the wealth of the richest families in the world started most of the programs. Back then it was far less sinister because the money came from legitimate businesses such as banking, oil and other industries, but today, there is a more lucrative way. The money is so good, the power so intriguing, the controlling parties can dupe even the most prestigious people into participating. If anyone in the network grows a conscience or realizes how deep the evil goes, they blackmail you into silence. This is the hidden world of human trafficking.

We hear little about the number of children that disappear around the globe, or about recovery efforts — except for a sporadic local news report. Human trafficking supplies participants for activities including pedophilia, occult practices, and organ harvesting. Based on the repulsiveness of these topics, I won’t go into much detail.

Practices of the occult blossomed at the same time the OSS inserted itself into Hollywood and the media. One of the most vocal practitioners of satanism holding position in our government at the time was Michael Aquino. He worked in military intelligence, and they incorporated some practices of the occult into CIA policies. There are more officials who observe satanic practices, but it’s not discussed publicly so they can protect their detestable rituals. However, head of FBI retiree, Ted Gunderson, risked his life to expose the horrific evidence that satanic ceremonies, pedophilia, false flag terrorism, MK Ultra and many other reprehensible activities have infiltrated our government to usher in global fascist tyranny. A great resource for information about the depth of this sacrilege is Shadowland by Thomas Horn.

Today people romanticize witchcraft and occult practices and consider them desirable. Look at the success of Harry Potter — the average person sees it as entertainment and certainly not threatening, even from some Christian perspectives. If people knew about the despicable practices of the occult, however, most normal people would create an uproar against it. That’s what I’m doing. Activities on Epstein’s Island, Pizza-gate, Spirit Dinners, and the sick ritual to extract Adrenochrome are only some intolerable activities you can research. Wikileaks contains hundreds of emails between major political heads discussing participation in these insidious acts. They use children in all of them.

Before you dismiss these as conspiracy theories, please do some digging and pray God reveals the truth to you. The programs, e-mails and whistleblowers referenced here are real, which make them fact — not disinformation.

If anyone harming and selling these innocent and precious children are profiting off of using them in these nefarious ceremonies, of course they would keep it secret.

Because the news and other media refuse to report and discuss this ring of lies, I stopped watching. Not just certain conservative or liberal programming — ALL of it. None of the popular news channels delve into the system behind these heinous crimes, so I reject watching them all.

Alternatively, I fill my mind with the truth of God, and I leaned on Him during the pandemic and chaos around the election. I didn’t bury my head — I just relied on God instead.

Not only was I tired of living in fear over the virus, feeling depressed because the authorities restricted so many things, closed down so many businesses and frowned upon spending time with friends and family because of jeopardizing their health, I was also tired of being lied to. Shutting off the news was the only way to ease the stress and trust that our Father in heaven is still in charge, and has a plan brewing to combat this evil.

Watching Christian pastors, teachers, and prophets opened another realm of possibility. It brought hope, peace and encouragement that a reckoning is coming. It’s in the works now, and God will expose it soon. Many of the people involved in these barbaric crimes could have come clean and repent, but they have not. Once Pandora’s Box opens, however, we will see a domino effect of people ousted, because no one wants to go down alone.

I don’t know how or when this will happen, but God’s supernatural power will do it. Then a revival of epic proportions will be ushered in, and people around the world will experience redemption and blessing like we have never seen before.

It is my hope justice comes to the children and families affected by this, and that God can bring good out of what they meant for evil. Perhaps exposure will put more security in place at borders, ensure orphanages are reputable, and put new leaders and policies in place to protect the innocent.

No more lies, no more deception, and no more censorship. We need open discussion about these topics so we can make our nation safe, purge malicious behavior, and let everyone know we will not tolerate this wickedness. We need to restore peace and base our core values on love, kindness, and serving one another. Show that we promote freedom, truth, and justice. No more should we let evil reign; we need to go back to the Godly principles we founded our country upon — the values His Son Jesus taught us.

If we want unity, we need to act like Christ — it’s that simple.

“Let all that you do, be done with love.” — 1 Corinthians 16:14.

My goal is to provide hope and encouragement to Christians so they live an abundant life this side of Heaven. If there is a topic you’d like to read about, or you would like to share your thoughts about this article with me, please contact me at:

For more articles from this author, please visit her blog at: Fire for the Faith



Shannon M. Gross

Writer, Mother, Believer & Follower of Christ, offering hope, truth, and encouragement to everyone.