Your Truth, My Truth —

Shannon M. Gross
9 min readMar 10, 2021

Can We Still Get Along?

Your truth may not be the same as mine. My truth may not be yours, either. As long as it makes us happy and we achieve our goals, we can respect each other’s truths, right?

It’s easy to agree on the surface, but what if one of those truths hurts someone? Should we allow it to continue if it causes harm? Who decides what to continue or not?

A contact on Facebook posted an interesting exchange. I’m unsure who the author is, but I added names (so I’m not plagiarizing or taking credit), and only want to illustrate how individual truth might play out in the real world:

Jane–Abortion is wrong

Barb–My body, my choice

Barb–You should wear a mask

Jane–My body, my choice

Barb–But you could kill someone innocent!

Which is true? When we approach instances like this, isn’t it just a matter of opinion?

Just like a math equation has one answer, something is true, or it’s not. How did we get to a point where we call opinions our truth?

The math equation mentioned as an example above can only have one correct answer, right? According to a theory from a group in Oregon, having one right answer is racist, and they want to change this perspective. Is that just a matter of opinion? We need to evaluate every issue, especially if it’s identified with such a serious problem as racism, which is occurring in this case. But is having one correct answer to a math problem racist? Who decides?

If we respect other’s opinions, we can certainly get along. But if we accept only one point of view, it causes a lot of discord. How often do we see arguments stem from a conversation like the one between Jane and Barb above? Where it truly is a matter of opinion, these scenarios propel cancel culture at an alarming rate. I touched on this topic in my last blog, “Is Censorship and Cancel Culture Really a Problem? The Horror Behind What’s Really Hidden.”

If we understand actual truth, we can make confident choices to approach diversity and other’s opinions with ease and grace. It sounds too simple to be true, but that’s because our culture is obsessed with finding individual ways to achieve happiness, and most people have confused themselves into thinking the answer they obtain to satisfy their desires and opinions is the only truth that matters.

If our thoughts break away from what the world labels as right or wrong, truth or fiction, misinformation or not, and seek what the Creator of the Universe deems right or wrong, we’ll understand what truth is from God himself.

Every time you accept God’s truth, He reveals more to you. Every time you reject it, you divide yourself from other truth He has for you. This creates a void for lies and deception to creep into your thoughts. Why does God allow this? Because He doesn’t force people to choose His ways. It is your choice to reject God, and in doing so, allows you to deceive yourself. The more of God’s truth you reject, the farther away from it you become. If you don’t accept truth, then you accept lies — remember, something is true, or it’s not.

For an unbeliever, the next logical question might be; is everything in the bible true? 2 Peter 1:20 says “Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation.” and 2 Timothy 3:16 says “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and training in righteousness,”. Although written by men, the divine inspiration is from God through the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. It’s not just ‘inspired’ by God, it’s literally the “breath of God” or a word from God to record. The bible is true, because God cannot lie as Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent; has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”

We may have trouble believing scripture or understanding it, but the bible is the only book we can pause reading, and talk to the author for clarification — ask God to reveal something to you, give you wisdom, discernment, or faith to believe a passage, and He will respond. That’s why we call the bible the ‘living word’. You can have a real-time conversation with God as you read it. Is this really possible? Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active and full of power. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit, and of both joints and marrow, exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

It’s the only book that can truly transform your life if you do what it says. It can bring refreshment, encouragement, peace, instruction, and so many other things. Accepting the teaching of the Hebrews verse might sound uncomfortable — but all scripture makes you aware of God’s truth, which might not be what you believe in your heart, and God’s word opens your mind to realize it. Trusting the word of God continuously renews your mind and reveals what you believe in your heart.

Putting your trust in the bible may seem like an insurmountable feat. When I sought to do this as a born-again Christian, I felt it would be a harrowing experience — dragging me away from fun and lead to a life of boredom and restrictions. However, when fully turning my life over to God, it brought so much peace and joy, I can’t imagine living without it. I’m sharing my journey with you so you can open your heart and enjoy these same benefits. You won’t feel anxious or regret when changing your life to follow God’s truth because you will want to do it. You realize living for Him is the best, most natural path you can take, because you love Him and want to show Him.

2 Corinthians 5:17 embodies this perfectly, This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! Before we were righteous through Jesus, we were sinners, full of sinful desires. But that was the old you. As a new creation in Christ, you’re no longer weak and prone to those old ways. The same resurrection power that brought Jesus back from the dead lives in you through the Holy Spirit and gives you the strength to reject sinful behavior.

When we believe in Christ, we are still part of this broken world and susceptible to the devil’s attacks. Satan will hurl disease, sickness, fear, depression and a myriad of disasters at you to deter you from your purpose and make you blame God for the trouble. The devil wants to tear you away from the Lord and make you distrust Him. But know this, God promises His believer’s once you confess Christ as your savior and follow him, nothing can snatch you out of God’s grip, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” John 10:28–30.

One fear of following God was knowing I wouldn’t be immune to the troubles of the world. In fact, I know a lot of Christians who seem attacked just because they are believers. This made me hesitate to develop a deeper relationship until I fully understood the truth of God’s protection, For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.” Psalm 91:3.

Christ was the only one to lead a sinless life, and his crucifixion for our sins was the only way to pay our debt, (1 John 3:5). In exchange for our sin, Jesus gives us his righteousness, and reconciles us to God the Father (John 3:16). “He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.” 1 Peter 2:24. Your sins vanish when you become a believer because when God looks at you, He only sees His perfect Son.

Accepting Christ into your life is the only way back to the Father (John 14:6) to have abundant life (John 10:10) because it’s true Jesus is God’s Son and it’s His will we follow him (Mark 9:7), that he is also God (John 10:30), and Jesus is the only way to receive salvation (Acts 4:12), as well as the gift of eternal life (John 3:16). God also promises peace if you trust in Him, You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3.

Isn’t it a blessing to know the scriptures above are true? God promises healing, protection, peace, and strength to make righteous choices. This only scratches the surface of God’s promises, but applying this truth allows us to live in harmony with each other. We are human so we know not all confusion and lies will disappear, but when it comes up, we turn back to the Word of God and remind ourselves of His truth and promises. We’ll face each trial victoriously through Christ because He has already defeated the enemy-we fight from his victory. Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” 1 John 5:5, andHe disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him. Colossians 2:15.

What about events that shake you to the core? The situations that stretch your faith in God to the extreme? I’m reminded of a story about Horatio Spafford. He was a successful lawyer in Chicago and had a loving family with his wife and five children. In 1871 his only son died from pneumonia, and later that year lost much of his business in a fire. In 1873 his wife and 4 daughters took a ship across the Atlantic bound for Europe, where Horatio would join them after dealing with a business problem at home. Four days into their journey, the ship sank. They lost all 4 daughters and his wife was among only a few survivors. It was on the voyage to meet his grieving wife, that Horatio penned the song “It Is Well With My Soul”. Only the supernatural peace of God could allow him to choose those words after such devastating losses.

Imagine he didn’t have a relationship with the Lord — would it be well with his soul? That story underscores the importance of letting God into your life and trusting Him. God can supernaturally bring comfort even during the most distressing times. It’s a mystery how God does it, but He creates a fortress around your heart and mind, and carries you through the most horrific tragedies. Everyone experiences disaster at some point, and it’s sobering to know many people don’t know Christ, and during those times bear the burden of pain and sorrow on their own.

It is no wonder so many people experience depression or suicidal thoughts when misfortune strikes. Only God can supernaturally cover you with love and surround you with peace during those times. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7.

God could have dropped us right into our destiny, following His truth, letting us live out our purpose. But He didn’t do that because he wants to build a relationship with you. God eagerly wants to have all of His children choose to love and trust Him, and He loves us so much, He gave us the freedom and choice to follow Him. If you choose Him, he uses situations in this world to build your faith and trust in Him so that by the time you get to your destiny; you know He will never leave you, nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). As much as God desires us to love Him back, He allows us to live, grow and learn to accept His truth as our own.

The truth of the matter is this: if we love others as God loves us, there is nothing to keep us from respecting each other and living in harmony. It may be hard to forgive, hard to love someone, but through Christ’s power, we can manifest His love to others. God’s truth is the only way we can achieve unity and peace, no matter what happens around us or to us.

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” 1 John 4:7–8.

Please also see this article on my blog page at

“Your Truth, My Truth, Can We Still Get Along?”



Shannon M. Gross

Writer, Mother, Believer & Follower of Christ, offering hope, truth, and encouragement to everyone.